25+ Years of Experience
850+ Data Experts
1200+ Projects Completed
40-60% Cost Reduction

Scalable Video Annotation Services for High-Volume and Complex Data

Outsourcing video annotation has become a necessity for many businesses that need large-scale data labeling but lack time and in-house expertise. On the other hand, AI-powered video annotation tools promise efficiency but often fall short in accuracy, struggle with complex labeling scenarios, and require significant contextual training by subject matter experts.

At SunTec.AI, we bridge this gap by offering video annotation services with a human-in-the-loop approach. Our team of experienced annotators, robust quality control processes, and proficiency in widely used video annotation tools ensure consistency and efficiency in large-scale video data labeling. By combining the capabilities of automated annotation tools with our subject matter expertise, we overcome the limitations of both in-house annotation and AI-only solutions, ensuring your machine learning models are trained on precisely labeled data.

Video Labeling Services for Optimized Computer Vision Training

Utilizing subject matter expertise and AI-powered video annotation tools, we provide custom offerings for your diverse labeling needs. Our machine learning experts ensure your video data is accurately labeled for optimal model training by providing support for:
2D Bounding Box Annotation

Object Localization

Leveraging video annotation techniques, such as bounding boxes and pixel-wise segmentation, we track and label the spatial location of objects of interest within video frames. Through precise object localization, we enhance the accuracy of computer vision applications used in autonomous driving, security surveillance, and retail analytics.

Object Detection

Object Detection

We utilize prominently used video annotation tools to recognize and classify objects frame-by-frame according to semantic categories. Through individual object delineation, we create reliable training datasets for applications used in self-driving vehicles, visual product search, medical imaging, and other operations.

Event Classification & Tracking

Event Classification & Tracking

Our subject matter experts can classify and label diverse activities such as object interactions, crowd movements, and significant occurrences within video footage. We track events across multiple frames and annotate them to train the AI model to identify similar events according to their classification.

Pose Estimation

Pose Estimation

Leveraging key point and landmark annotation, video labeling experts locate and annotate specific body joints and limbs, generating detailed skeletal representations of human figures. The labeled dataset can train applications for motion capture, augmented reality, fitness tracking, and human-computer interaction.

Get Reliable Training Datasets to Speed Up your AI Model Production by 3x

Build Smart AI Models

Video Annotation Types for AI & ML Models

We understand that diverse video annotation projects require specific labeling techniques depending on their intended objective. By thoroughly understanding your AI model's goals and project requirements, we select the optimal video labeling method and provide reliable training datasets.

2D & 3D Bounding Box

2D & 3D Bounding Box

We draw 2D bounding boxes around the objects of interest in a video for efficient object localization and tracking. This technique is widely applied to create training datasets for applications used in facial recognition, retail inventory management, and wildlife monitoring. For more complex cases, we utilize the 3D bounding box (or cuboid annotation) technique. By drawing cuboids around the objects in three-dimensional space, we enable applications in autonomous vehicles, robotics, and augmented reality to accurately depict their width, length, and depth.

Semantic Segmentation

Our experts label each pixel in a video frame to categorize parts of the image into semantic classes for meaningful interpretation. By annotating multiple objects in a frame at the pixel level, we enable machine learning models to make more accurate predictions and better understand visual data for industrial inspection, environmental monitoring, and other use cases.

Scene Categorization
Polygon Annotation

Polygon Annotation

To label objects that do not fit neatly into rectangular boxes, such as vehicles, road signs, or human cell structures, we utilize polygon annotation. By creating precise outlines around irregular objects using multi-point polygonal shapes, we create training datasets for AI models used in geospatial analysis, medical imaging, and robotics.

Keypoint & Landmark Annotation

We annotate facial features, such as mouth, nose, and eyes, as they appear in each video frame by placing and connecting key points. Landmark annotation is particularly useful in facial recognition, pose estimation, and security surveillance, helping AI systems precisely interpret facial expressions and body movements.

Keypoint & Landmark Annotation
Polyline Annotation

Polyline Annotation

To label linear structures in videos, such as roads, lanes, and boundaries, our experts employ polyline annotation. This technique is particularly useful in creating training datasets for autonomous driving systems, enabling accurate lane identification and navigation along paths and roadways.

3D Point Cloud Annotation

We specialize in labeling data points collected from 3D sensors like LiDAR. By annotating individual points or clusters in a three-dimensional environment, we enhance the spatial analysis capabilities of AI models used for urban planning, robotics, environmental monitoring, autonomous vehicles, and more.

3D Point Cloud Annotation

Real-World Applications of Video Annotation Services across Diverse Verticles


Precision Farming: AI models can be trained on annotated field data to monitor crop health, detect pest infestations, and track growth stages

Livestock Management: By annotating animal movements and facial expressions in videos, AI models can be trained to monitor livestock behavior, detect health issues, and track feeding patterns


Medical Imaging: Annotating videos from endoscopic procedures and other imaging techniques to train AI algorithms for diagnostic purposes

Robotic Surgery: Annotating surgical procedure videos to train AI models for assisting in surgeries and improving outcomes

Automobile/Autonomous Vehicles

Object and Lane Detection: Annotating vehicles, pedestrians, traffic signals, lanes, and other objects in videos to create training datasets for ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems) applications

In-cabin Driver Monitoring: Annotating driver facial expressions and body posture in interior vehicle footage for training AI systems to detect driver distraction, drowsiness, and behavior in real time

Sports and Entertainment

Player Performance Analysis: Annotating sports recordings to train AI systems to track player movements and positions on the field and provide insights for areas of improvement

Injury Prevention: By annotating existing match videos, AI systems can be trained to analyze athletes' biomechanics and forms, helping medical staff/trainers identify potential injury risks

Robotics and Manufacturing

Quality Control: Annotating defects and anomalies in production line videos can help train industrial robots for quality assurance

Predictive Maintenance: Annotated videos of machinery in operations train AI models to spot early signs of wear or malfunction, enabling predictive maintenance

Process Automation : Annotating video footage of production processes can facilitate the training of industrial robots for task automation

Security and Surveillance

Facial Recognition: Skeletal annotation of human faces in surveillance footage can facilitate the training of AI models for security applications

Traffic Monitoring: Annotated video data of traffic footage can also train computer vision models to monitor traffic flow, detect accidents, and identify traffic violations

Real Estate

Virtual Property Tours: Annotating features and details in property videos to train AI systems for enhanced virtual tour experiences

Geospatial Analysis: Satellite and drone footage of lands can be annotated to train ML models for monitoring environmental changes, land mapping, and more

Retail and eCommerce

Visual Search: Annotating product videos for specific features can improve the visual search capabilities of AI models used in eCommerce platforms

Customer Behavior Analysis: Annotating customer movements and interactions to enhance in-store experience and layout optimization

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Tools we Use for Video Labeling

Hire annotators with expertise across prominent video annotation tools from our video labeling company. Additionally, our experts are flexible to work on proprietary tools specified by clients, maintaining high standards of data accuracy and security.

Our Workflow for Video Data Annotation

Data Preparation

We understand your project goals and review the provided video datasets for preliminary processing.

Tool Selection & Configuration

We select the optimal video annotation tool based on project needs and configure it according to labeling protocols.

Video Data Labeling

Leveraging automated tools and appropriate video annotation techniques, we label objects, actions, and scenes in visual data.

Quality Assurance

Through multi-level automated and manual checks, we validate the accuracy and quality of the annotated data.

Delivery and Refinement

The annotated dataset is shared with the client in the preferred format, and necessary adjustments are made based on the feedback.

Accelerating AI Development for Leading Enterprises

  • CrowdWorks
  • NTT
  • LINE
  • BASIS Technology
  • traveloka
  • Expedia

Consistency and Accuracy Are our Hallmarks

Outsource video annotation services to us and improve the efficiency of your AI models.

Get human-validated training data for AI

Why Choose SunTec.AI? for Video Annotation Outsourcing

Our video data annotation company is recognized as an industry leader across the globe with a focus on data quality and process efficiency. Combining our subject matter expertise with automated tools, we provide scalable and cost-effective services for all your video data annotation needs.


  • Multi-level quality checks by subject matter experts and senior annotators
  • Automated and manual data validation
  • Annotation consensus
  • Edge Case Handling

Uncompromised Data Security

  • ISO 27001:2022 certified for information security management system
  • HIPAA and GDPR compliance
  • Strict non-disclosure agreements
  • Data encryption, role-based access control, and secure file sharing

Faster Turnaround Time

  • Automated processes and tools for repetitive, time-consuming tasks
  • Scalable teams based on project needs
  • Dedicated assistance through the project manager
  • Flexibility to work in your timezone

Seamless Communication and Collaboration

  • Dedicated project manager
  • Regular project meetings/calls (weekly/biweekly/monthly)
  • Collaboration via Zoom, Slack, Skype, Email, or other preferred communication mediums
  • Client feedback integration and real-time adjustments

Client Testimonials

Michael Brown

CTO, eSports Company

We needed annotated videos to develop and train an AI-powered sports analytics platform. SunTec.AI did an outstanding job annotating player movements and game action accurately. Their team ensured data security throughout the project and provided us with labeled datasets before the deadline without compromising annotation quality. They are now our go-to partner for all data labeling requirements.

Dr. Chang Hayes

Medical Researcher

We were training an AI system to analyze various actions and instruments used in surgical procedures and needed annotation for such videos. The SunTec.AI team accurately labeled every movement, instrument, and action in the provided dataset according to our labeling guidelines. We are really impressed with their attention to detail and commitment to data security.

Laura Smith

Project Manager, Urban Planning and Development Company

Our video surveillance project for smart city management required detailed annotation of various activities (from traffic movements to pedestrian behavior) captured on camera. SunTec.AI delivered beyond our expectations, providing detailed and accurate annotations for thousands of hours of video footage. Their annotated datasets helped us develop more reliable security solutions, which are now integral to our smart city initiatives.

Video Annotation Services - FAQs

The cost of outsourcing video labeling services to SunTec.AI varies depending on project complexity, data volume, and other requirements. However, we provide flexible engagement models to cater to diverse business requirements. Email us your project details at info@suntec.ai for a free quote.

We maintain regular communication through a dedicated project manager and weekly reports (highlighting project status, milestones achieved, and any challenges encountered). Furthermore, you can collaborate with our team via Zoom, Skype, Slack, or any other preferred communication medium for feedback and real-time adjustments.

If your requirements change marginally, we can re-annotate the already labeled datasets based on updated specifications. If requirements shift significantly mid-project, we assess the new requirements and provide a revised timeline and cost estimate. We also offer revisions free of cost for basic adjustments based on client feedback.

Yes! We have over 850 experienced in-house data experts to efficiently manage large-scale projects. Additionally, we employ advanced video annotation tools and automated workflows to maintain process efficiency and ensure timely project completion, regardless of the data volume.

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