Data Annotation Services for AI/ML Solutions

Low-Cost, Enhanced Training Data for Machine Learning Projects

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Object Detection
Object Detection

The Most Personalised Object Detection

Leverage our high-quality training data and classification services to train your computer vision models to detect objects in images and videos. Our experts use 2D and 3D Bounding box methods along with Polygon annotation technique to train your AI-based models to precisely outline objects of interest in your data and also classify the objects in different categories.

Custom Face Recognition Pose Detection
Pose Detection

Custom Face Recognition Pose Detection

Power your machine learning models to recognise facial expressions and emotions with our Landmark Annotation Services. Using key points, we label structural points or features of interest in your data to detect human facial expressions and gestures. Our services also include pose-point annotation method, which trains your computer vision models to accurately estimate human movement and detect human figures or poses.

Our Data Annotation Services

AI & machine learning projects require a secure and constant flow of precise training data to learn, grow, and create value.

Text Annotation Services

Text Annotation Services

Provide high-quality, multilingual text visualisation to your computer vision solutions like autonomous vehicles, drones, robots etc.

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Image Annotation Services

Image Annotation Services

Empower your machine learning models with human-like vision with our best-in-class image annotation training data.

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Chatbot Training Data

Chatbot Training Data

Make your chatbot recognise and classify user queries and respond to them accurately using our high-grade chatbot training data services.

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Image Segmentation

Deep Learning Model for
Semantic Image Segmentation

Semantic Image Segmentation
Deep Learning Model for Semantic Image Segmentation
Image Segmentation
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See What Our Clients Have to Say...

  • testimonial-icn-hm

    The team at SunTec.AI provided us with comprehensive solutions for parking detection strengthening, guidance improvement, and smooth communication. This helped us maximize our ROI and streamline the parking experience via real-time images.

    The team installed advanced GPS location mapping of Google Maps and Geo-Mapping software to manage sensors located in different time zones using a 24/7 working model. This helped us deliver a smooth, stress-free parking experience to drivers, reduce traffic and emissions, and ultimately increase our revenue.

    - Marco, Head of Service Management,
  • testimonial-icn-hm

    With SunTec.AI's highly skilled annotation team, we were able to deliver exceptional solutions to one of our clients by efficiently labelling 10,000+ car images, identified dents and further added classification to each dent. The experts took care of all the requirements, and delivered us the project within a quick turnaround time. Thanks team!

    - Devesh, Co-founder,


We understand that the level of detail applied during data annotation directly impacts the overall accuracy and quality of the resultant AI algorithm’s predictions.


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Providing AI data labeling services to the world's leading technology companies


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